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2024 year
  • Morozov A., Krupenina ., Bashirov R., Soloveva V., Starikov V., Mityagin S.

    Morozov A., Krupenina P., Bashirov R., Soloveva V., Starikov V., Mityagin S. Generative methods for planning public transportation systems // Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - 2024, Vol. Part I, No. 14813, pp. 364-378 More

  • Grigoryeva I.A., Parfenova O.A., Vidiasova L.A.

    Factors Influencing Social Participation of Older People in Russia: Study of Practices of Delayed Ageing // Changing Societies and Personalities - 2024, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 14-36 More

  • Nizomutdinov B., Chugunov A., Khudiakov G.

    Development of a Methodology for Assessing the Quality and Communication Capabilities of Government Telegram Bots // 2024 Communication Strategies in Digital Society Seminar (ComSDS) - 2024, pp. 96-100 More

  • Churiakova T., Starikov V., Sudakova V., Morozov A., Mityagin S.

    Digital Master Plan as a Tool for Generating Territory Development Requirements // Communications in Computer and Information Science - 2024, Vol. 1936, pp. 45-57 More

  • Natykin M., Mityagin S., Budennyy S., Zakharenko N.

    Comparison of Solution Methods the Maximal Covering Location Problem of Public Spaces for Teenagers in the Urban Environment // Communications in Computer and Information Science - 2024, Vol. 1935, pp. 443-456 More

2023 year
  • Денисов Д.С.

    Цифровизация общества и проблемы отказа от информации: политико-правовой анализ // Политические институты в современном мире: коллапс или перезагрузка? Сборник материалов по итогам Всероссийской научной конференции (СПб, 12-13 октября 2023 г.) - 2023. - С. 112-115 More

  • Денисов Д.С.

    Право на отказ от цифровых технологий в условиях динамичной цифровизации общества // Информационная безопасность регионов России (ИБРР-2023). XIII Санкт-Петербургская межрегиональная конференция (Санкт-Петербург, 25-27октября 2023г.): материалы конференции - 2023. - С. 324-326 More

  • Morozov A.S., Kontsevik G., Shmeleva I.A., Schneider L., Zakharenko N., Budenny S., Mityagin S.A.

    Assessing the transport connectivity of urban territories, based on intermodal transport accessibility // Frontiers in Built Environment - 2023, Vol. 9, pp. 1148708 More

  • Kontsevik G., Lavrov I., Morozov A., Kharlov L., Mityagin S.

    Assessment of Spatial Inequality in Agglomeration Planning // Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - 2023, Vol. 13957, pp. 256-269 More

  • Morozov A., Shmeleva I.A., Zakharenko N., Budenny S., Mityagin S.

    Assessment of spatial inequality through the accessibility of urban services // Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - 2023, Vol. 13957, pp. 270-286 More

  • Natykin M.V., Morozov A.S., Starikov V.A., Mityagin S.A.

    A method for automatically identifying vacant area in the current urban environment based on open source data // Procedia Computer Science - 2023, Vol. 229, pp. 91-100 More

  • Толстикова И.И., Бершадская Л.А.

    Проникновение цифровых медицинских сервисов в среду пожилых жителей Петербурга//Информационная безопасность регионов России (ИБРР-2023), XIII Санкт-Петербургская межрегиональная конференция, Санкт-Петербург, 25-27 октября 2023г. Материалы конференции - 2023. - С. 321-322

  • Низомутдинов Б.А.

    Исследование возможностей ботов telegram как коммуникационного канала между органами власти и гражданами // Интернет-коммуникации в деятельности органов государственной власти и местного самоуправления: практики и стратегии развития: материалы всероссийской научно-практической конференции (Ульяновск, 16-17 декабря 2022 г.) [электронный ресурс] - 2023. - С. 60-65 More

2022 year
  • Nizomutdinov B., Uglova A., Kozyreva A.

    Development of a method for assessing the safety of the urban environment based on the analysis of the communication practices of city residents in geoinformation services // Procedia Computer Science - 2022, Vol. 212, pp. 34-41 More

  • Nizomutdinov B.

    Development of a method for constructing social routes for people with limited mobility // ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2022, pp. 582-584 More

  • Видясова Л.А., Кузнецова Е.М., Григорьева И.А.

    Интеграция пожилых людей в информационное пространство: исследовательский кейс Санкт-Петербурга [Integration of the elderly into the information space: research case of Saint-Petersburg] // Успехи геронтологии [Advances in gerontology = Uspekhi gerontologii] - 2022. - Т. 35. - № 5. - С. 668-678 More

  • Nizomutdinov B.A., Uglova A.B.

    Communication Practicies in the Information Space of City Residents Interested in the Improvement and Greening of Urban Areas (on the Example of St. Petersburg) // 2022 Communication Strategies in Digital Society Seminar (ComSDS) - 2022, pp. 23-26 More

  • Nizomutdinov B., Uglova A., Sapon I.

    Analysis of Self-Presentation Models of Social Networks Users: Intergenerational Differences // Proceedings of the 31st Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT - 2022, pp. 436-442 More

  • Chugunov A.V., Belyi V., Panfilov G., Bolgov R.

    E-participation Portals in the E-Governance Institutional Structure of the EAEU Countries: A Trend Study // Communications in Computer and Information Science - 2022, Vol. 1529, pp. 232–243 More

  • Tikhonova O.B., Yakimuk I., Mityagin S.A.

    Detection the relevance of urban functions for value-based smart city management // Communications in Computer and Information Science - 2022, Vol. 1503, pp. 193-206 More

2021 year
  • Видясова Л.А., Тенсина Я.Д.

    Анализ российского рынка образовательных программ по теме "Data Science"//Информационные ресурсы России - 2021. - Вып. 6. - С. 22-27

  • Видясова Л.А., Смирнова П.В.

    Готовность государственных служащих исполнительных органов государственной власти к использованию онлайн технологий взаимодействия с населением: опыт Санкт-Петербурга//Будущее умных городов в Европе и Средней Азии: проблемы и перспективы: материалы международной научно-практической конференции (г. Томск, 6–8 июня 2021 г.) - 2021. - С. 81-83

  • Митягин С.А., Репкин А.И., Шмелева И.А.

    Научно-исследовательская работа магистрантов в Институте дизайна и урбанистики - 2021

  • Kajabad E.N., Begen P., Nizomutdinov B., Ivanov S.

    YOLOv4 for urban object detection: Case of electronic inventory in St. Petersburg // Proceedings of the 28th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT - 2021, pp. 9347622 More

  • Mityagin S.A., Yakimuk I., Tikhonova O., Sobolevsky S.

    Social network open data revealing for identification of citizens activities on urban environment objects // Procedia Computer Science - 2021, Vol. 193, pp. 4-12 More

  • Чурякова Т.А., Якимук И.В.

    Метод оценки потенциала зеленых зон для создания дисперсных парков // Альманах научных работ молодых ученых Университета ИТМО - 2021. - Т. 3. - С. 216-222 More

  • Емельянова В.И., Якимук И.В.

    Метод оценки потенциала набережных Санкт-Петербурга как досуговых пространств // Альманах научных работ молодых ученых Университета ИТМО - 2021. - Т. 3. - С. 78-81 More

  • Чугунов А.В.

    Социальная информатика: классические концепции. - 2021

  • Basov N., De Nooy W., Nenko A.

    Local meaning structures: mixed-method sociosemantic network analysis // American Journal of Cultural Sociology - 2021, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 376-417 More

2020 year
  • Ямилова В.В., Шмелева И.А.

    Анализ современных технологий оценки восприятия человеком городской среды//XIII Международная научно-практическая конференция молодых ученых «Актуальные проблемы науки и техники — 2020» - 2020. - Т. 1. - С. 341, 342

  • Горнова Г.В.

    Конфликтность городской идентичности: визуальные аспекты [The conflict of urban identity: Visual aspects] // Праксема. Проблемы визуальной семиотики [Praxema] - 2020. - № 3(25). - С. 27-40 More

  • Белый В.А., Смирнова П.В.

    Приоритеты внедрения электронных государственных сервисов по результатам опроса граждан в Санкт-Петербурге // Государство и граждане в электронной среде - 2020. - № 4. - С. 114-120 More

  • Begen P.

    Artificial Intelligence in the “Our St. Petersburg” e-Participation Portal Functioning: Outcomes of Intellectual Classifier Development // Communications in Computer and Information Science - 2020, Vol. 1242, pp. 263-270 More

  • Teslya N., Bakalyar D., Nechaev D., Chugunov A., Moskvitin G., Shilov N.

    Survey Analysis System for Participatory Budgeting Studies: Saint Petersburg Case // Communications in Computer and Information Science - 2020, Vol. 1242, pp. 237-249 More

  • Kudinov S., Antonov A., Ilina E.

    Specifying Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Increased Activity of Users of E-Participation Services // Communications in Computer and Information Science - 2020, Vol. 1349, pp. 156–171 More

  • Смирнова П.В., Жук Д.В.

    Исследование востребованности городских мобильных сервисов жителями Санкт-Петербурга//XVIII Международная научно-практическая конференция «Менеджмент XXI века: социально-экономическая трансформация в условиях неопределенности»: сборник научных статей по материалам конференции. Санкт-Петербург, 25–26 ноября 2020 года - 2020. - С. 334-336

  • Панфилов Г.О., Чугунов А.В.

    Мониторинг ресурсов электронного участия в федеральных округах России // Информационные ресурсы России - 2020. - № 6(178). - С. 20-26

  • Чугунов А.В.

    Социальная информатика - 2020

  • Беген П.Н., Белый В.А., Видясов Е.Ю., Волковский Д.В., Кабанов Ю.А., Мисников Ю.Г., Панфилов Г.О., Рыбальченко П.А., Смирнова П.В., Филатова О.Г., Чугунов А.В.

    Электронное участие. Концептуализация и практика реализации в России. -2020

  • Antoshkina A.A., Shmeleva I.A.

    Smart Solutions for Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Arctic Cities // Communications in Computer and Information Science - 2020, Vol. 1242, pp. 301-315 More

  • Шнырев А.А., Шмелева И.А.

    Шнырев А.А.Исследование возможностей машинного обучения в оценке влияния визуально-семиотических аспектов городской идентичности в регионе Балтийского моря//Сборник материалов XIII Международной научно-практической конференции молодых ученых «Актуальные проблемы науки и техники — 2020» - 2020. - Т. 2. - С. 362-364

  • Белый В.А., Смирнова П.В., Чугунов А.В.

    Внедрение электронных государственных сервисов в экономико-демографических условиях пандемии COVID-19: результаты опроса граждан в Санкт-Петербурге // International Journal of Open Information Technologies - 2020. - Т. 8. - № 11. - С. 97-109 More

  • Белый В.А., Смирнова П.В., Чугунов А.В.

    Развитие сервисов «умного города»: результаты опроса граждан в Санкт-Петербурге // Научный сервис в сети Интернет [материалы конференции] - 2020. - Т. XXII. - С. 116-128 More

  • Смирнова П.В.

    Приоритетность городских мобильных сервисов для жителей Санкт-Петербурга//Перспективные направления развития отечественных информационных технологий: материалы VI международной научно-практической конференции. Севастополь, 22-26 сентября 2020 г. - 2020. - С. 154-155

  • Kajabad E.N., Ivanov S.V., Ramezanzade N.

    Customer Detection and Tracking by Deep Learning and Kalman Filter Algorithms // 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computer Engineering, ICECCE 2020 - 2020, pp. 9179224 More

  • Vukovic N., Mityagin S., Drozhzhin A.

    Participative budgeting in Smart Green City context // International Scientific and Practical Conference on Digital Finance (DF) - 2020, pp. 82-86

  • Vidiasova L., Cronemberger F.

    Discrepancies in perceptions of smart city initiatives in Saint Petersburg, Russia // Sustainable Cities and Society - 2020, Vol. 59, pp. 102158 More

  • Gabitov A.I., Gaisin A.M., Udalova E.A., Salov A.S., Yamilova V.V.

    Energy Efficient Technologies for the Construction and Buildings Reconstruction // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering - 2020, Vol. 753, No. 2, pp. 022086 More

  • Kajabad E.N., Ivanov S.V., Khodnenko I.

    LSTM Algorithm For Forecasting Events In Changing Electric Consumption // Proceedings - 2020 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, CSCI 2020 - 2020, pp. 565-571 More

  • Удалова Е.А., Салов А.С., Парфенова А., Ганеева Э., Габитов Б., Ямилова В.В.

    Исторические этапы развития теории и практики применения стали в строительной индустрии // История науки и техники - 2020. - № 2. - С. 30-38 More

  • Kudinov S., Ilina E., Antonov A.

    Analyzing Civic Activity in the Field of Urban Improvement and Housing Maintenance Based on E-Participation Data: St. Petersburg Experience // Communications in Computer and Information Science - 2020, Vol. 1135, pp. 88-102 More

  • Низомутдинов Б.А., Тропников А.С., Углова А.Б.

    Автоматизированный сбор данных социальных сетей для разработки факторной модели сетевой самопрезентации // International Journal of Open Information Technologies - 2020. - Т. 8. - № 1. - С. 64-71 More

2019 year
  • Попова И.С.

    Особенности эффективности применения микроорганизмов для очистки сточных вод молочной промышленности // Сборник трудов VIII конгресса молодых ученых (Санкт-Петербург, 15-19апреля 2019г.) - 2019. - Т. 5. - С. 99-102 More

  • Shmelev S.E., Shmeleva I.A.

    Global urban sustainability benchmarking: A multidimensional approach for smart and sustainable cities // Sustainable Cities Reimagined: Multidimensional Assessment and Smart Solutions - 2019, pp. 36-58 More

  • Шиян А.В., Долгая А.С.

    Формирование структуры городской среды для создания цифрового образа города//Сборник тезисов докладов конгресса молодых ученых. Электронное издание - 2019

  • Korolev A.V., Balaev A.F., Vasin A.N.

    The Study of the Influence of Ultrasonic Vibrations on Structural Changes of Steel // Materials Science Forum - 2019, Vol. 973, pp. 147-151 More

  • Korolev A.V., Balaev A.F., Iznairov B.M.

    Relaxation of residual stresses in bearing rings based on the optimal geometric setup of equipment for centerless running // Materials Science Forum - 2019, Vol. 973, pp. 183-188 More

  • Смирнова П.В.

    Применение технологий геймификации в разработке электронных курсов для обучения государственных служащих // Аннотированный сборник научно-исследовательских выпускных квалификационных работ среди магистров Университета ИТМО 2019 - 2019. - С. 159-165 More

  • Низомутдинов Б.А., Смирнова П.В.

    ОТБОР МИРОВЫХ ПРАКТИК «УМНЫХ ГОРОДОВ» ДЛЯ ВНЕДРЕНИЯ В САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГЕ//Перспективные направления развития отечественных информационных технологий: материалы V межрегиональной научно-практической конф. Севастополь, 24-28 сентября 2019 г. - 2019. - С. 168-169

  • Grigoryeva I., Vidiasova L., Dmitrieva A., Sergeyeva O.

    Elderly population in modern Russia. Between work, education and health, IET - 2019

  • Власов В.В.

    Работа с открытыми городскими данными в OpenRefine - 2019

  • Зудилова Т.В., Хоружников С.Э., Парфенов В.Г., Матвеев Ю.Н., Духанов А.В., Бухановский А.В.

    Альманах научных работ молодых ученых Университета ИТМО//Альманах научных работ молодых ученых Университета ИТМО. Том 3. – СПб.: Университет ИТМО, 2019. – 210 с. - 2019. - Т. 3

  • Шиян А.В.

    Вопросы интероперабельности городских информационных систем Санкт-Петербурга//Сборник тезисов докладов конгресса молодых ученых. Электронное издание - 2019

  • Салимова Т.А., Бирюкова Л.И., Вукович Н.А.

    Интегрированная система менеджмента организации: проектирование, внедрение и оценка соответствия - 2019

  • Levashev I.S., Volotskiy T.

    Calculating the parameters of the large-scale cargo sealing system for the international cargo transit flows using MATSim//1st International Symposium on Multi-Agent Freight Transport Simulation (FreighTSim), IET - 2019

  • Ямилова В.В., Шмелева И.А.

    Особенности современного развития методов оценки восприятия городской среды // Сборник тезисов докладов конгресса молодых ученых. Электронное издание. - [2019,]. - Режим доступа: ссылка на страницу с тезисом, своб. - 2019

  • Бутаков Н.А., Петров М.В.

    Учебно-методическое пособие "ОБРАБОТКА БОЛЬШИХ ДАННЫХ С APACHE SPARK" // Санкт-Петербург: Университет ИТМО, 2019 - 2019. - С. 1-52 More

  • Баженов А.Ю.

    Тезисы КМУ "Сверхизлучательные фазовые переходы в обобщенной спин-бозонной модели с бихроматическим полем"//Сборник трудов Конгресса - 2019

  • Волоцкий Т.А., Коломацкий А.В.

    Modelling Freight Traffic on the Toll Road Demand Generation and Calibration Amid Data Scarcity, Road Pricing Special Requirements//1st International Symposium on Multi-Agent Freight Transport Simulation (FreighTSim), IET - 2019

  • Volotskiy T.

    Building and calibrating Saint-Petersburg MATSim scenario to forecast traffic on the toll road: challenges and insights//MATSim User Meeting at ABMTRANS 2019, IET - 2019

  • Shiyan A.V., Mityagin S.A., Drozhzhin S.I.

    Study on Interoperability of Urban Information Systems: The Case of Smart St. Petersburg // Communications in Computer and Information Science - 2019, Vol. 1038 CCIS, pp. 235-247 More

  • Vidiasova L.A., Tensina I.D., Vidiasov E.Y.

    Adaptation of Smart City Technologies in Saint Petersburg: A Survey // Communications in Computer and Information Science - 2019, Vol. 1038 CCIS, pp. 199-211 More

  • Tropnikov A.S., Uglova A., Nizomutdinov B.

    Development of a prognostic model of the user's information image using automated tools for processing data from social networks // Communications in Computer and Information Science - 2019, Vol. 1038 CCIS, pp. 405-413 More

  • Кононова О.В., Прокудин Д.Е., Смирнова П.В.

    Технологии геймификации в городском развитии: исследование контекстов и трендов // Информационное общество: образование, наука, культура и технологии будущего - 2019. - № 3. - С. 53-66 More

  • Vidiasova L., Vidiasov E., Tensina I.

    Исследование социального доверия информационным технологиям при предоставлении электронных государственных услуг и использовании порталов электронного участия (кейс Санкт-Петербурга) [Study of Social Trust in Information Technology in the Provision of Electronic Public Services and the Use of Electronic Participation Portals (Case Study of St. Petersburg, Russia)] // Мониторинг общественного мнения: Экономические и социальные перемены [Monitoring Obshchestvennogo Mneniya: Ekonomichekie i Sotsial'nye Peremeny] - 2019, No. 5(153), pp. 43-57 More

  • Shmelev S.E., Shmeleva I.A.

    Methods and Indicators for Urban Sustainability Assessment // Sustainable Cities Reimagined: Multidimensional Assessment and Smart Solutions - 2019, pp. 1-35 More

  • Kadyrkhanova Z., Shmelev S.E., Sagieva R., Chzhan Y., Shmeleva I.A.

    Multidimensional Assessment of Sustainability of Taipei and Almaty // Sustainable Cities Reimagined: Multidimensional Assessment and Smart Solutions - 2019, pp. 217-244 More

  • Shmeleva I.A., Shmelev S.

    How sustainable is smart and how smart is sustainable? // Sustainable Cities Reimagined: Multidimensional Assessment and Smart Solutions - 2019, pp. 316-328 More

  • Leonenko V.N., Bobashev G.

    Analyzing influenza outbreaks in Russia using an age-structured dynamic transmission model // Epidemics - 2019, Vol. 29, pp. 100358 More

  • Баранов Д.А.

    Получение данных об улично-дорожной сети из открытых источников // Транспортное планирование и моделирование: сборник трудов IV Международной научно-практической конференции (Санкт-Петербург, 11-12апреля 2019г.) - 2019. - С. 10-19 More

  • Filatova O., Kabanov Y., Misnikov Y.

    Public deliberation in Russia: Deliberative quality, rationality and interactivity of the online media discussions // Media and Communication - 2019, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 133-144 More

  • Vidiasova L., Cronemberger F., Vidiasov E.

    Risk factors in Smart City Development in Russia: A Survey // Communications in Computer and Information Science - 2019, Vol. 947, pp. 26-37 More

  • Nenko A., Koniukhov A., Petrova M.

    Areas of Habitation in the City: Improving Urban Management based on Check-in Data and Mental Mapping // Communications in Computer and Information Science - 2019, Vol. 947, pp. 235-248 More

  • Шиян А.В., Долгая А.С.

    Формирование структуры городской среды для создания цифрового образа города // Научно-технический вестник информационных технологий, механики и оптики [Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics] - 2019. - Т. 19. - № 6(124). - С. нет такой статьи

  • Шиян А.В., Дрожжин С.И., Митягин С.А.

    ПРОБЛЕМА И ОЦЕНКА ИНТЕРОПЕРАБЕЛЬНОСТИ ГОРОДСКИХ ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫХ СИСТЕМ В КОНТЕКСТЕ ВНЕДРЕНИЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ «УМНОГО ГОРОДА». КЕЙС ИТ-ИНФРАСТРУКТУРЫ САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГА // Научно-технический вестник информационных технологий, механики и оптики [Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics] - 2019. - Т. 19. - № 6(124). - С. нет такой статьи

  • Metsker O.G., Trofimov E., Petrov M., Butakov N.A.

    Russian Court Decisions Data Analysis Using Distributed Computing and Machine Learning to Improve Lawmaking and Law Enforcement // Procedia Computer Science - 2019, Vol. 156, pp. 264-273 More

  • Габитов А.И., Гайсин А.М., Удалова Е.А., Салов А.С., Ямилова В.В., Гайнанова Э.С.

    Исторические аспекты развития энергоэффективных технологий в строительстве // Экологические системы и приборы - 2019. - № 4. - С. 44-50

2018 year
  • Volockiy Т.А.Behaviorally realistic relaxation process in multi-agent traffic simulation using optimal stopping theory//MATSim User Meeting 2018 - 2018

  • Korolev A.V., Balaev A.F., Korolev A.A.

    Experimental study of the effectiveness of the vibromechanical stabilization of bearing rings // Solid State Phenomena - 2018, Vol. 284 SSP, pp. 1327-1331 More

  • Ланцева А.А., Иванов С.В.

    Дискретные математические модели: учебно-методическое пособие по выполнению лабораторных работ - 2018

  • Митягин С.А., Репкин А.И.

    Магистерская диссертация в Институте дизайна и урбанистики - 2018

  • Шиян А.В., Леонов А.В., Митягин С.А.

    Исследование схожести государственных информационных систем Санкт-Петербурга на примере комплекса систем Жилищного комитета//Сборник тезисов докладов конгресса молодых ученых. Электронное издание - 2018

  • Шушарина С.В., Видясова Л.А.

    Городские проблемы и способы их решения: результаты исследования предпочтений жителей Санкт-Петербурга//Сборник тезисов докладов конгресса молодых ученых. Электронное издание. – СПб: Университет ИТМО - 2018

  • Gabitov A.I., Rolnik L.Z., Udalova E.A., Yamilova V.V., Zubairov S.G.

    Corrosion inhibitors based on heterocyclic compounds of petrochemical // Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences - 2018, Vol. 10, No. 6S, pp. 1593-1609 More

  • Chugunov A.V., Cronemberger F., Kabanov Y.

    Contextualizing smart governance research: Literature review and scientometrics analysis // Communications in Computer and Information Science - 2018, Vol. 858, pp. 102-112 More

  • Chirkin A., Pishniy M., Sender A.

    Generilized visibility-based design evaluation using GPU // CAADRIA 2018 - 23rd International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia: Learning, Prototyping and Adapting - 2018, Vol. 2, pp. 483-492

  • Chugunov A.V., Kabanov Y.

    Evaluating E-Participation Institutional Design. A Pilot Study of Regional Platforms in Russia // Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - 2018, Vol. 11021, pp. 13-25 More

  • Trutnev D., Vidiasova L.

    Evaluation of government information systems effectiveness: the case of e-participation portals in Russia // Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - 2018, Vol. 11021, pp. 26-38 More

  • Presbitero A., Mancini E., Brands R., Krzhizhanovskaya V.V. ., Sloot P.

    Supplemented Alkaline Phosphatase Supports the Immune Response in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery: Clinical and Computational Evidence // Frontiers in Immunology - 2018, Vol. 9, pp. 2342 More

  • Lantseva A.A., Ivanov S.V. .

    Assessment of pedestrian flow volumes through public transport modelling // Procedia Computer Science - 2018, Vol. 136, pp. 463-471 More

  • Presbitero A., Mancini E., Krzhizhanovskaya V.V. .

    Modelling Neutrophils' Response to Various Levels of Insults // Procedia Computer Science - 2018, Vol. 136, pp. 390-397 More

  • Kalinina D., Ingilevich V., Lantseva A., Ivanov S.

    Computing concave hull with closed curve smoothing: performance, concaveness measure and applications // Procedia Computer Science - 2018, Vol. 136, pp. 479-488 More

  • Volotskiy T., Smirnov J., Ziemke D., Kaddoura I.

    An Accessibility Driven Evolutionary Transit Network Design Approach in the Multi-agent Simulation Environment // Procedia Computer Science - 2018, Vol. 136, pp. 499-510 More

  • Khodnenko I., Kudinov S., Smirnov E.

    Walking distance estimation using multi-agent simulation of pedestrian flows // Procedia Computer Science - 2018, Vol. 136, pp. 489-498 More

  • Shmelev S.E., Shmeleva I.A.

    Global Urban Sustainability Assessment: A Multidimensional Approach // Sustainable Development - 2018, Vol. 26, No. 6, pp. 904-920 More

  • Filatova O., Bolgov R.

    Strategic communication in the context of modern information confrontation: EU and NATO vs Russia and ISIS // Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, ICCWS 2018 - 2018, pp. 208-218

  • Bolgov R., Filatova O., Yag’Ya V.

    The united nations and Russian initiatives on international information security // Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, ICCWS 2018 - 2018, pp. 31-38

  • Видясова Л.А., Тенсина Я.Д.

    Исследование потребностей исполнительных органов власти Санкт-Петербурга в технологиях "умного" города // Информационные ресурсы России - 2018. - № 3(163). - С. 25-28

2017 year
  • Shmeleva I.A.

    University Education for Sustainable Development in Russia: Result of the ESD UNESCO Decade and Future Vision // Hamburg Sustainable Development Summit. HSDS Guide 2017, IET - 2017, pp. 44-45 More

  • Zakharov O.V., Balaev A.F., Kochetkov A.V.

    Modeling Optimal Path of Touch Sensor of Coordinate Measuring Machine Based on Traveling Salesman Problem Solution // Procedia Engineering - 2017, Vol. 206, pp. 1458-1463 More

  • Sizova I.L., Grigoryeva I., Vidiasova L.

    The model of interdependence between pension provision and employment in Russia and in the developed European countries // 4rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts, SGEM 2017 - 2017, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 469-476 More

  • Orr D.W., Soderbaum P., Ayres R.U., Daly H., Shmelev S.E., Friend A., Speck S., Zoboli R., Giljum S., Bruckner M., Girardet H., Barker T., Van Der Berg J.C., Elliot D., Martinez-Alier J., Temper L., Walter M., Demaria F., Shmeleva I.A., Constanza R., Alperovitz G., Farley J., Franco C., Jakson T., Kubiszewski I., Schor J., Victor P.

    Green Economy Reader. Lectures in Ecological Economics and Sustainability. Ch. 15. Human Values and Sustainable Development / Irina A. Shmeleva//Green Economy Reader. Lectures in Ecological Economics and Sustainability/ Edited by Stanislav Shmelev, IET - 2017, pp. 333-366

  • Шмелева И.А.

    Оформление письменных работ магистрантов Института дизайна и урбанистики Университета ИТМО. Методические указания - 2017

  • O`Reilly C., Lampugnani D., Dickinson G., Ott B., Mcalister J., Tarantino M., Cheng C., Timeto F., Cardullo P., Matsaganis M., Harold G., Ong J., Lin T., Nenko A., Khokhlova A., Basov N., Motta W., Georgiou M., Oakley K., Aiello G.

    Communicating the City : Meanings, Practices, Interactions. Cp. 11. Communication and knowledge creation in urban spaces. The tactics of artistic collectives in Barcelona, Berlin, and St. Petersburg / А. Ненько, IET - 2017, pp. 165-181

  • Чугунов А.В.

    Институциональная модель электронного участия в Российской Федерации//Время больших перемен: политика и политики: материалы Всероссийской научной конференции РАПН. Москва, РУДН, 24-25 ноября 2017 г. / род ред. О.В. Гаман-Голутвиной, Л.В. Сморгунова, Л.Н. Тимофеевой. М.: РУДН, - 2017. - С. 407-410

  • Shmeleva I.A.

    Russian Climate Politics in Light of the Paris Conference // Spring Campus 2016 (Berlin, 11-15April 2016): conference proceeding - 2017, pp. 13-21 More

  • Shmeleva I.A.

    University Education for Sustainable Development in Russia: Result of the ESD UNESCO Decade and Future Vision//Hamburg Sustainable Development Summit. HSDS Guide 2017, IET - 2017, pp. 44-45

  • Shmeleva I.A.

    Human Values and Sustainable Development // Studies in Ecological Economics - 2017, Vol. 6, pp. 333-367 More

  • Nenko A., Khokhlova A., Basov .

    Nenko A., Khokhlova A., Basov N. Communication and knowledge creation in urban spaces: The tactics of artistic collectives in Barcelona, Berlin, and St. Petersburg // Communicating the City: Meanings, Practices and Interactions - 2017, Vol. 4, pp. 165-181

  • Vidiasova L., Tensina Y.

    Measuring Progress in E-Participation in Russia: The Results of a Multi-method Case Study // Communications in Computer and Information Science - 2017, Vol. 745, pp. 219-230 More

  • Vidiasova L., Chugunov A.

    eGov Services’ Consumers in the Process of Innovations’ Diffusion: the Case from St. Petersburg // Communications in Computer and Information Science - 2017, Vol. 745, pp. 199-208 More

  • Mityagin S.A., Drojjin S.I., Tikhonova O.B.

    A Value-Oriented Approach in Smart City Projects Selection and Ranking // Communications in Computer and Information Science - 2017, Vol. 745, pp. 307-318 More

  • Engel B., Sender A.

    Transforming industrial heritage - challenges for sustainable urban planning in St.Petersburg // 4rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts, SGEM 2017 - 2017, Vol. 1, No. 5, pp. 365-372 More

  • Chugunov A.V., Kabanov Y., Misnikov Y.

    Citizens versus the Government or Citizens with the Government: a Tale of Two e-Participation Portals in One City - a Case Study of St. Petersburg, Russia // ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2017, Vol. Part F128003, pp. 70-77 More

  • Vidiasova L., Novikov D., Bershadskaya E.

    Do social networks help to organize a community around e-participation portals in Russia? // ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2017, Vol. Part F130282, pp. 62-69 More

  • Vidiasova L., Sachs M., Pereira G.

    People's outcomes for public decision making in Russia // ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2017, Vol. Part F130282, pp. 130-135 More

  • Kabanov Y., Chugunov A.V.

    Electronic “pockets of effectiveness”: E-governance and institutional change in St. Petersburg, Russia // Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - 2017, Vol. 10428, pp. 386-398 More

  • Vidiasova L., Trutnev D., Vidiasov E.

    E-Participation Development Factors: the Results of an Expert Survey // ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2017, Vol. F128275, pp. 572-573 More

  • Drozhzhin S.I.

    Features of development of applied solutions in the field of Smart city for organization of urban infrastructure management // Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements, SCM 2017 - 2017, pp. 808-811 More

  • Mityagin S.A., Tikhonova O.B., Repkin A.I.

    Methodology of estimation of achieving regional goals of sustainable development on the basis of program and goal oriented approach // Procedia Computer Science - 2017, Vol. 108, pp. 2038-2048 More

  • Клечиков А.В., Пряников М.М., Чугунов А.В.

    Блокчейн-технологии и их использование в государственной сфере // International Journal of Open Information Technologies - 2017. - Т. 5. - № 12. - С. 123-129 More

  • Трутнев Д.Р.

    Оценка эффективности государственных информационных систем: опыт применения ценностно-ориентированного подхода // Информационные ресурсы России - 2017. - № 6(160). - С. 2-5

  • Чугунов А.В.

    Электронное участие в контексте трансформации концепции демократии // Управленческое консультирование - 2017. - № 8(104). - С. 14-20 More

  • Чугунов А.В.

    Взаимодействие граждан с властью как канал обратной связи в институциональной среде электронного участия // Власть - 2017. - Т. 25. - № 10. - С. 59-66 More

  • Wang L., Qian C., Kats P., Kontokosta C., Sobolevsky S.

    Structure of 311 service requests as a signature of urban location // PLoS ONE - 2017, Vol. 12, No. 10, pp. e0186314 More

  • Nenko A.

    Starting a Creative City from Below: Artistic Communities in St. Petersburg as Actors of Urban Change // Geojournal Library - 2017, Vol. 123, pp. 241-260 More

  • Vidiasova L., Dawes S.S.

    The influence of institutional factors on e-governance development and performance: an exploration in the Russian Federation // Information Polity - 2017, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 267-289 More

  • Ivanov S.V. ., Lantseva A.A.

    Evaluation of modal-choice rules through ground transportation modeling using subway data // Procedia Computer Science - 2017, Vol. 119, pp. 51–58 More

  • Edelmann N., Parycek P., Charalabidis Y., Chugunov A.V., Panagiotopoulos P., Pardo T.A., Saebo O., Tambouris E.

    Preface // Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - 2017, Vol. 10429, pp. V-VII

  • Vidiasova L., Trutnev D., Vidiasov E.

    Revealing the factors influencing e-participation development in Russia // Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - 2017, Vol. 10429, pp. 65-74 More

  • Борисов Н.В., Прокудин Д.Е., Чугунов А.В.

    Интернет и современное общество: 20 лет развития междисциплинарного научного направления // International Journal of Open Information Technologies - 2017. - Т. 5. - № 11. - С. 1-5 More

  • Видясова Л.А.

    Концептуализация понятия "умный город": социотехнический подход // International Journal of Open Information Technologies - 2017. - Т. 5. - № 11. - С. 52-57 More

2016 year
  • Ledwon S., Obracht-Prondzynska H., Pancewicz L., Rozwadowski T., Van Lierop M., Rubczak A., Janus A., Werdon M., Nowakowska O., Malengiewicz A., Rodriguez C., Krol J., Mascianica P., Kuzniar A., Ressano Garcia P., Fojud A., Rembarz K., Rozanska S., Bonislawska A., Golasz M., Jeleniewska A., Olszowa H., Potocka M., Ulman Z., Urbanczyk A., Wojciehowski F., Wons M., Al-Mashhadani O., Rusin M., Pawlaczyk M., Sprengel M., Talko A., Walkusz A., Warsinska K., Wieczorkowska A., Wirkus J., Zuk J., Gasco G., Urbanowicz K., Billewicz A., Osmanska D., Kozlowski M., Rochman J., Bainka M., Krolikowska A., Zelaznowski P., Shmeleva I.A., Losiewicz M., Skiba E., Stefanska A., Bielecka A., Ceglinska M., Chromiec A., Derdowska M., Haxhiaj I., Kupczyk K., Szczygiel N., Wrobel P.

    Vibrant urban solutions for Baltic cities. Cp. Multicultural coastal cities: what are the differences in culture of urban planning management? Comparison analysis of Gdansk and Gdynia, IET - 2016

  • Shmeleva I.A., Losiewicz M., Skyba E., Stefanska A., Wrobel P., Bielecka A., Ceglinska M., Derdowska M., Kupczyk K., Chmiec A., Haxhiaj I., Szczygliet N.

    Multicultural Coastal Cities: what are the differences in culture of urban planning management. Comparison analysis of Gdansk and Gdynia // Vibrant URban Solutions for Baltic Cities - 2016, pp. 293-343

  • Vidiasova L., Vidiasov E.

    The effectiviness of e-participation tools in Russia: analysis of e-petition portals and sites with solutions for urban problems // 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts, SGEM 2016 - 2016, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 621-628 More

  • Chugunov A., Dobrov A., Dobrova A., Soms N.

    A study of public opinion on public authorities activities using opinion mining and ontological approach to the analysis of texts // 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts, SGEM 2016 - 2016, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 17-23

  • Bochenina K., Dukhanov A., Karpova M., Shmelev V.

    An approach to hybrid learning resource design for training professionals in Computational Science // Procedia Computer Science - 2016, Vol. 101, pp. 439–448 More

  • Leonenko V.N., Novoselova Y.K., Ong K.M.

    Influenza Outbreaks Forecasting in Russian Cities: Is Baroyan-rvachev Approach Still Applicable? // Procedia Computer Science - 2016, Vol. 101, pp. 282-291 More

  • Kononova O., Lyapin S.

    Using the Contextual Search for the Organization Scientific Research Activities // Communications in Computer and Information Science - 2016, Vol. 674, pp. 392-399 More

  • Vidiasova L., Mikhaylova E.V.

    The Comparison of Governmental and Non-governmental E-Participation Tools Functioning at a City-Level in Russia // Communications in Computer and Information Science - 2016, Vol. 674, pp. 135-144 More

  • Vidiasova L.

    The Applicability of International Techniques for E-Participation Assessment in the Russian Context // Communications in Computer and Information Science - 2016, Vol. 674, pp. 145-154 More

  • Bolgov R., Karachay V.

    E-Participation Projects Development in the E-Governance Institutional Structure of the Eurasian Economic Union’s Countries: Comparative Overview // Communications in Computer and Information Science - 2016, Vol. 674, pp. 205-218 More

  • Makarchenko M.A., Nerkararian S.A., Shmeleva I.A.

    How Traditional Banks should work in Smart City // Communications in Computer and Information Science - 2016, Vol. 674, pp. 123–134 More

  • Mikhaylova E.V., Mityagin S., Tikhonova O.B., Zakharov I.N.

    Information and analytical support of the authorities: semi-structured data // ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2016, pp. 356-357 More

  • Grigoryeva I.A., Vidiasova L.A., Zhuk D.V.

    Seniors' inclusion into e-Governance: Social media, e-Services, e-Petitions usage // ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2016, pp. 173-176 More

  • Petrova M., Nenko A., Sukharev K.

    Urban Acupuncture 2.0: Urban Management Tool Inspired by Social Media // ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2016, pp. 248-257 More

  • Mityagin S.A., Tikhonova O.B.

    Approaches to modeling subjective opinions and value orientations of citizens for managerial decision making in the urban environment // ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2016, pp. 149-156 More

  • Gutev A., Nenko A.

    Better Cycling - Better Life: Social Media Based Parametric Modeling Advancing Governance of Public Transportation System in St. Petersburg // ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2016, pp. 242-247 More

  • Chugunov A.V., Filatova O.G., Misnikov Y.

    Online discourse as a microdemocracy tool: Towards new discursive epistemics for policy deliberation // ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2016, pp. 40-49 More

  • Vidiasova L., Tensina Y.

    Research on government online services demand in Saint-Petersburg // ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2016, pp. 99-104 More

  • Vidiasova L., Chugunov A., Trutnev D.

    Program overview of e-government development within the Eurasian economic union: Progress, challenges and prospects // International Journal of Electronic Governance - 2016, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 265-282 More

  • Leonenko V.N., Ivanov S.V.

    Fitting the SEIR model of seasonal influenza outbreak to the incidence data for Russian cities // Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling - 2016, Vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 267-279 More

  • Слоот П., Холыст Я., Кампис Ж., Лис М., Митягин С.А., Иванов С.В., Боченина К.О., Гулева В.Ю., Мухина К.Д., Насонов Д.А., Бутаков Н.А., Леоненко В.Н., Ланцева А.А., Бухановский А.В.

    Суперкомпьютерное моделирование критических явлений в сложных социальных системах // Научно-технический вестник информационных технологий, механики и оптики [Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics] - 2016. - Т. 16. - № 6(106). - С. 967-995 More

  • Vidiasova L., Chugunov A., Mikhaylova E., Bershadskaya E.

    E-government development in the context of citizens' online discussions in social media // 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts, SGEM 2016 - 2016, pp. 115-120 More

  • Chugunov A.V., Kabanov Y., Zenchenkova K.

    Russian e-petitions portal: Exploring regional variance in use // Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - 2016, Vol. 9821, pp. 109-122 More

  • Chugunov A., Filatova O., Misnikov Y.

    Citizens’ deliberation online as will-formation: The impact of media identity on policy discourse outcomes in Russia // Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - 2016, Vol. 9821, pp. 67-82 More

  • Bolgov R., Filatova O., Tarnavsky A.

    Analysis of public discourse about donbas conflict in Russian social media // Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, ICCWS 2016 - 2016, pp. 37-46

  • Shmelev V.A., Dukhanov A.V., Knyazkov K.V. ., Ivanov S.V. .

    Bus Scheduling in Dynamical Urban Transport Networks with the use of Genetic Algorithms and High Performance Computing Technologies // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing - 2016, Vol. 416, pp. 97-104 More

  • Dawes S.S., Vidyasova L., Parkhimovich O.

    Planning and designing open government data programs: An ecosystem approach // Government Information Quarterly - 2016, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 15-27 More

2015 year
  • Safdar S., Kosakowska-Berezecka N., Young M., Chan K., Merali N., Tskhay K.O., Rule N., Ting Leong J., Chen S., Bond M., Zeytinoglu G., Bonnabeauis R., Moore D., Shmeleva I.A., Pochebut L.G., Mikolajczak M., Pietrzak J., Fulop M., Berkics M., De Lemus S., Montanes P., Megias J., Moya M., Makarova E., Herzog W., Best D., Delone A., Hietanen A., Pick S., Gibbons J., Luna S., Mayer C., Barnard A., Robinson A., Liu J., Akotia C., Anum A., Abubakar A., Kitsao-Wekulo P.

    Psychology of Gender through the Lenz of Culture: Theories and Applications. Chapter 8 "Gender and Culture: A Russian Perspective" / Irina A. Shmeleva, L.G. Pochebut, IET - 2015, pp. 147-168

  • Bolgov R., Chugunov A., Misnikov Y., Karachay V.

    In a Search for Open Budget Effects: The Context of Russia // Innovation and the Public Sector - 2015, Vol. 22, pp. 344-345 More

  • Bershadskaya L., Chugunov A., Trutnev D., Abdrakhmanova G.

    A Framework for Evaluating Online Services and E-Participation Tools: UN Methodology Application to Russian Regions // Innovation and the Public Sector - 2015, Vol. 22, pp. 253-260 More

  • Sender A.V., Sukhorukova M., Buriak M.

    The Impact of Urban Brand On City Economics//SGEM2015 Conference Proceedings, Aug 26-Sept 01, IET - 2015, Vol. III, pp. 863 - 868

  • Bolgov R., Chugunov A., Filatova O.

    Open Budgets in Eurasian Countries: Cloacae or Klondike? // CeDEM15. Proceedings of the International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government (20-22 May 2015, Danube University Krems, Austria) - 2015, pp. 291-298 More

  • Basov, N., Nenko, A., and Khokhlova, A. The Reality of Art: Communication and Knowledge Creation / Sotsiologicheskiy Zhurnal, 4,2015. C. 8-33. More

  • Boukhanovsky A.V., Mikhaylova E.V., Mityagin S.A., Zakharov I.N.

    Anti-crisis regional management approach with the use of g2c open information exchange // EGOSE '15 Proceedings of the 2015 2nd International Conference on Electronic Governance and Open Society: Challenges in Eurasia - 2015, pp. 104-108 More

  • Vidiasova L.A., Chugunov A.V., Mikhaylova E.V.

    E-Governance in Russia: Toward New Models of Democracy // ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2015, pp. 44-47 More

  • Buriak M., Sender A., Sukhorukova M.V.

    The impact of urban brand on city economics // 2nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts, SGEM 2015 - 2015, Vol. 3, pp. 863-868 More

  • Nizomutdinov B., Bikkulov A.S.

    Internet Resources for the Elderly People: Demand and Usability // 2nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts, SGEM 2015 - 2015, Vol. 1, pp. 649-656 More

  • Grigoryeva I., Dmitrieva A.V., Vdovenko S.V.

    Elderly in Russia: between medicine, consumption and life-long education // 2nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts, SGEM 2015 - 2015, Vol. 1, pp. 471-478 More

  • Sergeeva O.V., Grigoryeva I., Bikkulov A.S.

    Representation of romantic love among seniors in the soviet and post-soviet cinema // 2nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts, SGEM 2015 - 2015, Vol. 1, pp. 769-776 More

  • Shubinskiy M., Zhuk D.V., Tokarev N.V., Kushelev S.A.

    Perception of cryptography and cryptographic protection by internet users as a tool for preserve of a privacy in the modern internet environment // 2nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts, SGEM 2015 - 2015, Vol. 1, pp. 723–730 More

  • Shubinskiy M., Zhuk D.V., Tokarev N.V., Kushelev S.A.

    The ratio of savings and investment in russia in terms of financial instability // 2nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts, SGEM 2015 - 2015, Vol. 2, pp. 499–504 More

  • Kurilkin A.V., Vyatkina O.O., Mityagin S., Ivanov S.V.

    Evaluation of urban mobility using surveillance cameras // Procedia Computer Science - 2015, Vol. 66, pp. 364-371 More

  • Lantseva A., Mukhina K.D., Nikishova A.V., Ivanov S.V., Knyazkov K.V.

    Data-driven Modeling of Airlines Pricing // Procedia Computer Science - 2015, Vol. 66, pp. 267-276 More

  • Vyatkina O.O., Kurilkin A.V., Mukhina K.D., Mityagin S., Boukhanovsky A.V.

    Data-driven modeling of MRT-based population mobility using impersonal data // Procedia Computer Science - 2015, Vol. 66, pp. 356-363 More

  • Trutnev D., Vidyasova L., Chugunov A.

    Challenges to Policy-Making in Developing Countries and the Roles of Emerging Tools, Methods and Instruments: Experiences from Saint Petersburg // Public Administration and Information Technology - 2015, Vol. 10, pp. 379-392 More

  • Bershadskaya L., Chugunov A., Bershadsky A.

    Citizens’ Discussions on e-Government Topics: The Perspective for Social Media Analysis // Communications in Computer and Information Science - 2015, Vol. 535, pp. 542-555 More

  • Kachurina P., Buccafurri F., Bershadskaya L., Bershadskaya E., Trutnev D.

    Biometric identification in eHealthcare: learning from the cases of Russia and Italy // Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - 2015, Vol. 9265, pp. 103-116 More

  • Leonenko V.N., Pertsev N.V., Artzrouni M.

    Using high performance algorithms for the hybrid simulation of disease dynamics on CPU and GPU // Procedia Computer Science - 2015, Vol. 51, pp. 150-159 More

  • Mitiagin S.A., Ivanov, S.V. ., Boukhanovsky A.V., Gubarev I.D., Tihonova O.B.

    Modeling of critical situations in the migration policy implementation // Procedia Computer Science - 2015, Vol. 51, pp. 2972-2976 More

2014 year
  • Bolgov R., Chugunov A., Filatova O., Misnikov Y.

    Electronic identification of citizens: comparing perspectives and approaches // ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2014, Vol. 2014, pp. 484-485 More

  • Bershadskaya L., Chugunov A., Golubtsova E.

    Measurement Techniques for E-Participation Assessment: Case of ussian E-Petitions Portal // ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2014, Vol. 2014, pp. 395-398

  • Bolgov R., Zinovieva E., Karachay V.

    Information Society Development in Eurasian Economic Union Countries: Legal Aspects // ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2014, Vol. 2014, pp. 387-390 More

  • Bershadskaya L., Chugunov A., Trutnev D.

    Measuring Information Society in Russia: Gaps and Solutions for Improvement // ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2014, Vol. 2014, pp. 371-374 More

  • Trutnev D., Bershadskaya L.

    Cross-Border e-Signature Implementation Experience // ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2014, Vol. 2014, pp. 456-457 More

  • Bershadskaya L., Karachai V., Parkhimovich O.

    Russian Open Government: Web 2.0 Trend in the Development of Social Media Networks // ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2014, Vol. 2014, pp. 152-156 More

  • Bershadskaya L., Chugunov A., Trutnev D.

    Information Society development in Russia: Measuring progress and gaps // ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2014, Vol. 2014, pp. 7-13 More

  • Nenko A.

    Artistic communities: grass-rooted sustainability in emerging creative city (case-study in St. Petersburg, Russia) // International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences and Arts - 2014, pp. 105-111 More

  • Bershadskaya L.A., Chugunov A.V., Trutnev D.R.

    Evaluation of E-Participation in Social Networks: Russian E-Petitions Portal // Innovation and the Public Sector - 2014, Vol. 21, pp. 76-83 More

  • Ivanov S.V., Knyazkov K.V.

    Evaluation of in-vehicle decision support system for emergency evacuation // Procedia Computer Science - 2014, Vol. 29, pp. 1656–1666 More

  • Yakushev A.V. ., Mityagin S.

    Social networks mining for analysis and modeling drugs usage // Procedia Computer Science - 2014, Vol. 29, pp. 2462–2471 More

2013 year
  • Basov N., Nenko A.

    Knowledge Structure of Artistic Community: Semantic Network Analysis of La Escocesa, Barcelona // CGES Working papers. St. Petersburg-Bielefeld, 2013, № 08, pp.1-34. // CGES Working papers (Centre for German and European Studies) - 2013, No. 08, pp. 1-34 More

  • Bershadskaya L.A., Bolgov R.V., Chugunov A.V.

    Social Media Research: Network Users' Activities as a Reflection of Real Life // CeDEM13. Proceedings of the International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government - 2013, No. 22-24 May 2013, pp. 395-402

  • Bershadskaya L.A., Chugunov A.V., Trutnev D.R.

    Open Government Performance Measurement in Russia // Open Conference 2013. Digital Governance: From local data to European Policies. April 18, 2013. Prague. Conference Proceedings. Prague, 2013. - 2013, pp. 67

  • Bolgov R.V., Chugunov A.V., Буньков А.В.

    Web 2.0 in Russian Open Government // CeDEM13. Proceedings of the International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government. 22-24 May 2013 - 2013, pp. 187-198

  • Bershadskaya L.A., Chugunov A.V., Trutnev D.R.

    Civil Servants’ Educational Needs in the Field of E-Governance in CIS Countries // Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Proceedings - Series of the Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI) - 2013, Vol. P-221, pp. 132-139

  • Bershadskaya L.A., Chugunov A.V., Dzhusupova Z.

    Understanding E-government development barriers in cis countries and exploring mechanisms for regional cooperation // Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - 2013, Vol. 8061, No. LNCS, pp.  87-101 More

  • Bershadskaya L.A., Chugunov A.V., Trutnev D.R.

    E-participation development: A comparative study of the Russian, USA and UK E-petition initiatives // Proceedings of the7th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, ICEGOV 2013 - 2013, No. 2013, pp. 73-76 More

  • Ivanov, S.V. ., Kosukhin, S.S. ., Kaluzhnaya, A.V. ., Boukhanovsky, A.V. .

    Erratum to Simulation-based collaborative decision support for surge floods prevention in St. Petersburg [J. Comput. Sci. 3 (2012) 450-455] // Journal of Computational Science - 2013, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 438 More

  • Ivanov S.V., Kovalchuk S.V., Boukhanovsky A.V.

    Workflow-based Collaborative Decision Support for Flood Management Systems // Procedia Computer Science - 2013, Vol. 18, pp. 2213 – 2222 More

  • Krzhizhanovskaya V.V., Melnikova N.B. ., Chirkin A.M. ., Ivanov S.V., Boukhanovsky A.V., Sloot P.M.

    Distributed simulation of city inundation by coupled surface and subsurface porous flow for urban flood decision support system // Procedia Computer Science - 2013, Vol. 18, pp. 1046-1056 More

2012 year
  • Shmeleva I.A., Shmelev S.E.

    The Systemic Psychological Description of Ecological Consciousness in the Context of Global Environmental Problems // Shmelev S.E., Shmeleva I.A., Sustainability Analysis An Interdisciplinary Approach - 2012, pp. 129 More

  • Brown J., Friend A., Burgenmeier B., Shmelev S.E., Vatn A., Shmeleva I.A., Likhacheva E., Fodor F., Cook T., Glazyrina I., Mekush G.E.

    Sustainability Analysis: An interdisciplinary Approach. Cp. 6. The Systemic Psychological Description of Ecological Consciousness in the Context of Global Environmental Problems/ I. A. Shmeleva. Cp. 9. Climate Change Discourse Analysis: The Russian Case/ I. A. Shmeleva, S. E. Shmelev //Sustainability Analysis: An interdisciplinary Approach, IET - 2012

  • Shmeleva I.A.

    Глава 9. "Climate Change Discourse Analysis: The Russian Case"

  • Гладкая О.П.

    Kamchatka Region of Russia: Tourism Cluster Development as a Tool to Improve Regional Competitivness // Romanian Regional Science Association - 2012

  • Bershadskaya L.A., Chugunov A.V., Trutnev D.R.

    E-government in Russia: Is or seems? // ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2012, pp. 79-82 More

  • Bershadskaya L.A., Chugunov A.V., Trutnev D.R.

    Monitoring methods of e-governance development assessment: comparative analysis of international and Russian experience // ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2012, pp. 490-491 More

  • Ivanov S.V., Kosukhin S.S., Kaluzhnaya A.V., Boukhanovsky A.V.

    Simulation-based collaborative decision support for surge floods prevention in St. Petersburg // Journal of Computational Science - 2012, Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 450-455 More

  • Boukhanovsky A.V. ., Ivanov S.V.

    Urgent computing for operational storm surge forecasting in Saint-Petersburg // Procedia Computer Science - 2012, Vol. 9, pp. 1704-1712 More

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